How Do You Decide What Products to Start Dropshipping Online?

By David Oaks

How Do You Decide What Products to Start Dropshipping Online?

Deciding on What Products to Dropship in Your E-Commerce Store

When deciding what products to sell online through your e-commerce store, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the choices. There are millions of wholesale products to choose from. The question is: Which are the best dropship products to sell online?



Best Products to Sell Online with Your Dropshipping Business

According to a recent Shopify analysis of 2021 sales on its website, the following are the leading products that are sold through ecommerce businesses that use its platform:




• Pens and pencils

Pet Beds

• Decorative bottles

• Drills

• Cutters

• GPS navigation systems

• Bras

• Motor vehicle parts

• Office chairs

• Projectors

Kitchen towels

• Digital artwork

• Eyebrow enhancers

• Neon signs

Tablet computers

• Water bottles


Before leaping into putting products on your ecommerce website, look at prospective consumer markets you want to develop rather than follow current trends.



Sources of Consumer Buying Trend Information

For the analytics who prefer to research what consumers are thinking about buying, or are currently buying, and why, there are several sources of information that can help you identify consumer buying trends, such as Synthesio, Omniconvert, Foursquare and Nielson. These services provide information at a cost and also provide general information.


For those who are not into parsing information in detail, articles in Forbes, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and other online news sources can be good sources. For example, a recent article in Forbes identified five interesting consumer trends:


• When do I need it? Consumers are more frequently asking themselves: “Do I need it today, or can I wait?”

• A return to sustainability, and what type of purchase produces the lowest carbon footprint.

• As a result of COVID-19, consumers are gravitating to outdoor venues to eat and socialize. Products that support this type of lifestyle, albeit clothing and outdoor furniture, are in demand.

• Finding ways to appeal to consumers’ self-improvement, self-actualization and need for higher-order fulfillment.

• Consumers are in a constant state of passive shopping.



Do Your Homework to Find the Best Products to Sell Online

Whether you want to dig into consumer trends in detail, or study consumer trend information, it’s best to be knowledgeable about what people are interested in buying before populating your ecommerce website with products. Many products that are of interest to consumers who are interested in buying online are available through dropshipping companies like TopDawg.





What are some of the best products to dropship in an e-commerce store?

Some of the top products include toys, shoes, pet beds, decorative bottles, GPS navigation systems, office chairs, and tablet computers.


How can I determine consumer buying trends for my dropshipping business?

Utilize analytics tools like Synthesio, Omniconvert, or market research reports from Foursquare and Nielsen to gauge consumer interests and trends.


What are some good sources to learn about current consumer buying trends?

Forbes, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and other reputable online news sources often publish articles on consumer trends and market analysis.


Why is it important to consider consumer markets before selecting dropship products?

Understanding consumer markets helps tailor your product offerings to meet demand and ensures relevance and appeal to your target audience.


What tools or services can help me analyze consumer trends for dropshipping?

Services like Synthesio and Omniconvert offer detailed consumer analytics, while simpler insights can be gained from articles in major publications.


Can you suggest any general consumer trends from recent years that might influence dropshipping choices?

Trends such as sustainability, outdoor lifestyle products, and items supporting self-improvement and self-actualization are increasingly popular.



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Considering Starting a Dropshipping Business?

If you're considering starting a dropshipping business, we recommend reading TopDawg's "Ultimate Guide to Launching a Successful Dropshipping Business." This detailed guide is designed to provide new dropshippers with the necessary information and tools to launch and grow their business efficiently. Highlighting the importance of choosing a reliable dropshipping partner like TopDawg and covering various e-commerce platforms, the guide lays a strong foundation for initiating a dropshipping business and creating a lucrative online store.


Launching your online retail business is a stepping stone to a successful enterprise. At TopDawg, we enhance your journey by granting access to a diverse network of wholesale dropshipping suppliers and a selection of dropshipping products. Furthermore, we deliver efficient store integrations, streamlined order automation, and reliable shipping tools, all tailored to increase your profit margins.