Sell Products Made in the United States
By David Oakes
Sell Products Made in the USA for Your Dropshipping Business
Often, consumers do not consider where the products they buy are made. They assume, and rightly so, that most dropship products they are buying are made outside the United States. Ask most people where the clothes they are wearing, the blanket they have on a bed, or the tool they are using was made, and the United States is one of the last places they will consider.
As consumers, we have become conditioned to think that what we order online or put in a shopping basket is not made in the United States. In fact, for every $100 spent on products, only $10.70 is spent on products made outside the United States. While there is the perception that fewer people are working in U.S. manufacturing companies (and there are) compared to decades ago, many manufacturing plants are more highly automated, reducing the need for workers.
COVID-19 Bottlenecks
E-commerce companies like to offer products from overseas because they offer higher profit margins due to lower-cost labor and manufacturing processes. However, given the current manufacturing and transportation bottleneck resulting from COVID-19 and the rising prices of off-shore products due to shortages and higher demand, product availability, convenience, and quality should be considered by e-commerce store owners.
There are opportunities to make just as much profit on U.S.-made products without product availability concerns.
TopDawg Is a Leading Provider of U.S.-Made Products to E-commerce Businesses
TopDawg offers dropshipping businesses the opportunity to buy U.S.-made products. Of the more than 500,000 products provided by TopDawg suppliers to e-commerce stores, more than 95 percent are of United States origin. In fact, TopDawg is one of the few U.S.-based companies providing such a large array of United States-made products to ecommerce stores.
We aren’t waving the flag or promoting patriotism. Rather, we made a business decision to focus on sourcing U.S.-manufactured products for the simple reason that the managers and owners are easier to contact and talk to, and the products are easier to obtain for our e-commerce customers. Also, U.S. manufacturers are not threatened by international manufacturing and labor shortages and transportation issues. Quite simply, products made in the U.S., more often than not, ship faster and less expensively than products that are warehoused offshore and are mailed or transported into the U.S. from another country.
What does this mean for your ecommerce company?
The Convenience of Using U.S. Suppliers
There are several positive attributes of buying from U.S.-based manufacturers, wholesalers and suppliers through TopDawg:
• Lower mailing costs than shipping from overseas.
• Faster shipping.
• Products are more accessible.
• You can speak directly with individuals who work at those companies to resolve any shipping or quality issues.
• Comparable margins and profits as foreign-manufactured products.
For more information about buying U.S.-made products through TopDawg, set up an account with us by clicking USA products for online retailers.
Considering Starting a Dropshipping Business?
If you're considering starting a dropshipping business, we recommend reading TopDawg's "Ultimate Guide to Launching a Successful Dropshipping Business." This detailed guide is designed to provide new dropshippers with the necessary information and tools to launch and grow their business efficiently. Highlighting the importance of choosing a reliable dropshipping partner like TopDawg and covering various e-commerce platforms, the guide lays a strong foundation for initiating a dropshipping business and creating a lucrative online store.
Starting your online retail venture is the first step toward a flourishing business. At TopDawg, we support your growth by offering access to a wide range of wholesale dropshipping suppliers and a variety of dropshipping products. Additionally, we provide seamless store integrations, automated order processing, and effective shipping solutions, all aimed at boosting your profitability.