Find Wholesale Product Distributors

By David Oakes

Find Wholesale Product Distributors

How to Find Wholesale Product Distributors for Your Dropshipping Business


Finding wholesale product distributors for your ecommerce website is the bread and butter of your dropshipping business. If you do not have a consistent and reliable virtual inventory of products to sell at prices that are profitable to you and attractive to potential customers, you cannot be a successful online retailer.


Establishing Relationships with Wholesale Suppliers

You can spend days researching wholesale distributors, making phone calls, sending emails, completing qualification forms to try to get products for your ecommerce website. And that is the easy part. You’ll need to integrate your website with the wholesale distributors’ inventory systems, and align all the SKUs, descriptions and ordering system perfectly in order to have a seamless and functioning system.


Or, you could go through an existing wholesale distributor connection service, such as TopDawg, to create a seamless integration between your ecommerce site and wholesale product distributors.


Establishing Prices for Products on Your Ecommerce Site


Buying products from dropshipping wholesalers to fulfill customer orders and ship to your customers is part of a sequence of transactions that should occur to have satisfied customers. Before your customer taps the order button, they have already assessed the quality of the product they are buying on your site, and the price.


Setting prices can be challenging. If it is higher than the competition, you’ll lose business. If it is too low, you’ll lose profit. Understanding what your margins should be for each product is time consuming.

TopDawg removes the guesswork and time spent researching, because we’ve already done it for you. We have established wholesale pricing on more than 600,000 dropshipping products with wholesale suppliers. When you subscribe to TopDawg, our recommended price spreads offer competitive pricing for you, while also providing transparent information about your profitability and the margin on each item listed and sold. We save you time, while you make money.


Monitor Wholesale Distributor Product Quality

When you work with a reliable wholesale integrator, you can monitor your customer orders and see whether they return items or keep them, and recommend them to others. If you work directly with wholesale suppliers, it can sometimes be problematic to track returns and customer satisfaction if the ordering system is not fully integrated. With TopDawg, you have a fully transparent ordering and inventory system, as well as detailed ordering information that will help you knowledgeably speak with your customers about their order history.


Consider Using a Wholesale Distribution Platform


Rather than trying to establish relationships with wholesale distributors, consider using a dropshipping platform, like TopDawg, that connects your ecommerce site with wholesale products that are reday to dropship. It will save you time and ultimately, provide stable profit margins.


Interested in starting a dropshipping business?


If you are interested in starting a dropshipping business, please read TopDawg’s “Ultimate Guide to Launching a Successful Dropshipping Business.” This comprehensive guide aims to equip new dropshippers with the knowledge and tools to start and scale their business effectively. By incorporating a range of e-commerce platforms and emphasizing the selection of a dependable dropshipping partner like TopDawg, the guide provides a solid foundation for starting a dropshipping business and building a profitable online store.